Book About Beloved Therapy Dog
May 7, 2020

Mascot Books announces the release of The Adventures of Gunner the Poodle Pony: Gunner Meets Stella written by local author Lynne McGlothlen with illustrations by David Gnass.
Review for The Adventures of Gunner the Poodle Pony: Gunner Meets Stella:
Meet Gunner, the most amazing poodle you’ll ever see! Not only can he do tricks, he also comforts others when they are sick or sad. Follow Gunner as he meets Stella and helps her feel better when her grandmother is sick.
Ms. McGlothlen is a lover of poodles. Gunner was a therapy dog for a few years before tragically passing away, she is using this book as a way to honor his memory and all the people he comforted during his short life.
Ms. McGlothlen likes to say that Gunner picked her when he crawled into her lap and instantly fell asleep. Just like beautiful Anya, Gunner took to everything quickly. He passed the Therapy Dog Exam easily and with flying colors (twice!) and earned a prestigious, “Best Dog of the Day” recognition. Ms. McGlothlen and Gunner spent many years traveling to hospitals and Hospice Houses to comfort sick and grieving children where Gunner would perform his amazing tricks.
The Adventures of Gunner the Poodle Pony is registered with the American Wholesale Book Company, Baker & Taylor, Follett Library Resources, and Ingram, and available online with the following retailers:, Books a Million, Barnes and Noble and Mascot Books.