Controlling Your Pets
June 9, 2020

With many more people at home as a result of lockdown restrictions, there has been a sharp increase in people walking their dogs.
While this is good exercise for both dog and owner, there has been an increase in complaints about dogs not being kept under adequate control in public areas.
Complaints about dog fouling have also increased to Pembrokeshire County Council and local Town and Community Councils.
To continue to support each other and our communities, the Dog Control Service is asking all dog owners to act responsibly.
While in public places – particularly those that are well used by the public – dogs should be kept under close control.
That may mean well trained dogs are kept to heel and other more boisterous pets are kept on a lead.
This will help reduce the number of complaints of dogs being attacked by others.
It will also reduce the fear and concern some members of the public have about loose dogs as well as actual incidents of people being injured.
The service would also request that dogs are not permitted to stray unaccompanied as this is adding additional pressure with the dog wardens having to return dogs that have been in the kennels to their owners.
Please also keep a close eye on your dogs at home and ensure that they don’t have the opportunity to escape.
Additionally the service would again request that all dog owners continue to pick up after their pets.
When walking your pet please be mindful of the Welsh Government rules and stay local – defined as within five miles of your home – wherever possible.