Dog Bite Awareness
June 19, 2020

There’s a week or a day for just about everything – from National Loofa Day to National Splurge Week.
This week happens to be National Postal Service Dog Bite Awareness Week. Turns out, it’s legit.
The USPS says there were over 5,800 attacks on postal workers throughout the nation last year. That includes 21 dog attacks in Idaho, with five of those in Boise.
So the very good pups at Adventure K-9’s obedience class in Boise are taking this week very seriously.
Jennifer Lackie sent us a photo showing a group of “students” looking intently at a sign that reads, “Keep Calm When the Mailman Comes. Lesson 1.” But if your pup maybe isn’t the most well-behaved dog on the block, USPS suggests keeping him or her inside. And if a mail carrier comes to your door, you’re asked to put the dog in another room.