Guide Dog Day
April 29, 2020

Today (April 29)marks International Guide Dog Day and Delta-based charity BC & Alberta Guide Dogs would like to thank the community for the well wishes and encouragement that have accompanied donations over the past few weeks, and also for rallying behind its recent online Virtual Trivia Night event.
International Guide Dog Day highlights how important guide dogs are to ensure the safety, mobility and inclusion for individuals who are blind or visually-impaired, and this awareness is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recipients of guide dogs face additional challenges to their mobility as their dogs haven’t been trained for “physical distancing.”
BC & Alberta Guide Dogs encourages the public to be mindful when seeing a working guide dog navigate in the community.
With in-person events cancelled, the organization has had to get creative with revenue ideas. They recently held their first ever Virtual Trivia Night, sponsored by Ledcor Group, last weekend with more than 350 players taking part across Canada and the United States.
“The feedback from our event has been so positive and everyone has really come together to support BC & Alberta Guide Dogs,” said Joni Wright, Director of Development and Communications at BC & Alberta Guide Dogs. “We are already planning our next Virtual Trivia Night for May, so please keep an eye out for an announcement on our website.”
BC & Alberta Guide Dogs also received a significant donation from the Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club in the amount of $16,000 and would like to thank the Club’s continued dedication to providing life-changing Guide Dogs, Autism Service Dogs, and PTSD Service Dogs for those in need.
“Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club have supported our programs for many years,” adds Bill Thornton, CEO of BC & Alberta Guide Dogs. “This donation could not have come at a better time and helps to make up for some of the revenue we have lost due to our cancelled events.”
If you would like to donate to BC & Alberta Guide Dogs and help individuals who are blind/visually-impaired, children with profound autism, and Veterans, RCMP and First Responders living with PTSD, then the organization encourages you to make that donation on May 5th for Giving Tuesday. Donations made that day will be matched by Nestle Purina and Grosvenor Americas up to $5,500.