Hero Police Dog
July 2, 2020

A hero police dog is retiring from the long-arm-of-the-PAW following a seven-year crime-busting career with the Counter Terrorist cops.
Rico the nine-year-old Dutch Shepherd became a legend on the force for helping to bring down some of Poland’s most dangerous crooks, including drug dealers, murderers and organised crime mobsters.
As part of the Independent Anti-terrorism Police (SPKP) responsible for high-risk arrests, search warrant execution services and hostage rescue operations among other things, the ulti-MUTT crime buster became known for his characteristic attire of goggles, bullet-proof vest and special dog shoes.
Announcing his retirement on Instagram, the police said: “We don’t have to introduce this ‘gentleman’ to you.
“Rico – the most experienced service dog in the Polish Police who took part in the arrests of the most dangerous criminals.
“In the SPKP team in Warsaw he was treated as a family member and best friend. His service is now over.”
Police spokeswoman Anna Kędzierzawska said: “Policemen know that they can count on him in the most dangerous situations.
“It is Rico who often goes with high-risk police officers. It is difficult to count how many times he went with them – 300-400 times, maybe more?
“He is a unique member of the Warsaw anti-terrorist team.
Rico’s handler added: “He always wanted to be a step ahead of us, as though he wanted to defend us.
“He is one-of-a-kind and frequently made it easier for us to make decisions as we knew we could always count on him, should we come into contact with the suspect.”
“Looking back on the years they spent together, we could not have imagined a better ending.”