Virtual Therapy Dog Sessions
July 31, 2020

The “Cheer Up Pup Club,” it is a new way that people are reaching out to have a virtual dog therapy session.
“We just sit here, we talk and we visit more often. They want to know where we take them and what we do with them, and what it was like to take them out in public to see people,” Tya Mantooth, the owner of the therapy dogs, explained.
Mantooth’s dogs tasked with a job to make people smile says she got the idea after realizing her dogs wouldn’t be able to visit there usual friends any longer. This all because of COVID-19.
“I got to seeing some things and how it had effected the elderly and the children you know. I thought well maybe a weekend and an evening time visit might be a thing to do. either read them a story or dog trivia,” Mantooth stated.
The “Cheer Up Pup Club” now is visiting in a new way.
“We just kind of visit with people and just kind of hope to brighten up their day and maybe for a few minutes they’ll forget about what’s going on around them,” Mantooth said.
Mantooth, said most of those who book these free sessions just want to see the dogs show off their sense of style.
“A lot of times they just like to see what I have on them. I put hats on them or glasses on them,” Mantooth said.
According to Mantooth, she hopes that by seeing her dogs for a little while it will help to make the rest of the day better. There is no cost for these sessions and there is no age limit to who can participate. However, in order to book a session you have to book through e-mail at or social media.