Service Dogs Dolly And Aura
June 1, 2020

Dogs. As far as I am concerned they are all heroes. But the American Humane Hero Dog Awards “is an annual, nationwide competition that searches out and recognizes America’s Hero Dogs – often ordinary dogs who do extraordinary things, whether it’s saving lives on the battlefield, lending sight or hearing to a human companion, or simply providing the tail-wagging welcome a pet owner relishes at the end of a hard day.”
These dogs work as military dogs or in in law enforcement, as service, guide/hearing dogs or therapy dogs, and shelter dogs. The winners in each of the seven CATegories (see what I did there hehehe) will be honored at the American Humane Hero Dog Awards this October on the Hallmark Channel.
The voting will in this round is underway and will be going until July 16. You can vote in each of the seven categories will go on to the next round.
As for our Maine dogs…first up is Dolly Pawton as a service dog. According to her profile she is a cardiac alter dog and lets her owner know if there is a dangerous change. Dolly also has just added to the over quality of life in many different ways for her human. Dolly is from Naples.
Next up… Aura is a hearing service dog. According to her profile her human lost their hearing in a rocket attack in Afghanistan. Aura has helped her human in way beyond with ‘simply’ being her ears, she adds to her owner’s life in every way. Aura is a Brunswick dog.
All the dogs are wonderful and you know what…they are all winner already in my book.